How to Use Hyaluronic Acid for Healthier Hair, Skin, and Nails with Hyalogic

You have probably heard the term “hyaluronic acid” mentioned in several skincare products and skincare routines from your beauty loving friends. I heard that term many times. I knew it was supposed to be good for your skin, but didn’t know much beyond that. It is important to me to take care of my skin, hair, and overall health inside and out. I learned about all the true benefits hyaluronic acid can have to help with that goal.

Hyalogic sent some products to try, and I will share those with y’all, so keep reading along! They were the first company to create a full line of supplements and products using Hyaluronic Acid! Hyalogic is the industry leader of hyaluronic acid(also known as HA). Hyaluronic acid can be beneficial in so many ways, but some of the main things it helps with is skin, joints, hair, gums, and eyes. Hyalogic is non-animal derived and vegan friendly, which is a huge plus. They offer topical and oral HA products, so you can make sure you are getting your HA needs met inside and out for maximum benefits!

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

We know that hyaluronic acid is important and good for us, but what exactly is it and what does it do? HA is a carbohydrate that naturally occurs throughout the human body. The purpose is to help bind water and to help lubricate moving parts of your body, such as muscles and joints.

HA is most concentrated in our skin, with about 50% of HA within our bodies being part of our skin. As we age, our skin being able to naturally produce hyaluronic acid decreases. This results in skin becoming drier and losing the ability to restore itself as it once did. This is where pesky fine lines and wrinkles come in and hydrated, glowy skin becomes harder to get! My skin is combination, and with being in the cold Midwest Winters in Kansas, it is prone to getting very dry during that time. Dry skin and liking to wear makeup doesn’t always make for the best combination, so that is where HA helps so much! Hyaluronic Acid is one of the most water loving molecules in nature, so it is often called “nature’s moisturizer”. HA helps in skincare, as it can bind up to 1000x it’s weight in water and act as a space filler to help moisturize your skin and keep those wrinkles away!

Products I Tried

HA Collagen Builder

I gravitate to any product that can help give me healthy, strong, and beautiful hair, skin, and nails! I could not wait to try the HA Collagen Builder out! You can take this supplement daily and it is berry flavored, so the taste is good as well. This combines Biotin, Silica, and specific Amino Acids, which are the building blocks for collagen generation in your body. Collagen production decreases as we age too, unfortunately, so taking supplements to help is a must! The Hyaluronic Acid helps to moisturize and nourish the collagen to enhance your beauty from within! It helps to plumpen skin, support collagen elasticity, and promote healthy hair and nails.

I take this usually at lunch each day. I have noticed that my nails are stronger and growing even faster than they normally do. My nails have always grown very fast too! Also, my hair is feeling healthier already, and I am seeing some of my baby hairs from too many heat tools start to grow as well. My skin is overall looking and feeling healthier too.

HA Biotin Hair and Scalp Spray

I was so curious to try the HA Biotin Hair and Scalp Spray since I had not ever used hyaluronic acid for my hair! This contains Biotin and Hyaluronic Acid to maintain a healthy scalp, which in turn helps give you healthy and beautiful hair. My scalp can get dry in the Winter too, and this helps to keep your scalp moisturized. It helps to promote the appearance of fuller, thicker looking hair too. I am all for since my hair is long and fine, but I have a lot of it.

I usually use this after I wash my hair, which is about three times a week. You can use it on dry hair too! I spray it on in the morning and before bed on days I am not washing my hair. It is not greasy at all, so spraying it on dry hair doesn’t ruin your blow out or curls! You just spray it on your scalp and hair and then massage it in to your scalp with your fingertips and brush through. I have definitely noticed my hair looking healthier and thicker than normal. I have been wearing my clip in extensions a lot less!

Pure Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum

The Pure HA Serum is probably my favorite out of the products that I have tried. The reason being is my face gets so dry in the cold, harsh temperatures we have had in Kansas lately. This has been a lifesaver for me!

I use it morning and night after washing my face. When my face is still a bit damp, I just put one pump of the HA serum to help combat the dryness. I follow up with moisturizer, and it is has made a world of difference. This has been especially helpful for my chemical peels I have done and quickening the recovery period. The HA serum is made with pure Hyaluronic Acid to help with skin hydration. It also helps to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you have not tried any of these products yet, I recommend trying them and seeing what a difference it makes for you! You can check out all the products on Hyalogic’s website at Plus, you can get 20% off using code AMIE20!

**Thank you to Hyalogic for sponsoring this post!**

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A fashion + beauty blog written by Amie Bartley, Gucci & Glam is a destination for affordable luxury, beauty tips, and home decor. Based in Kansas City with my husband of 7 years and 2 cats, you can see all the behind the scenes of our little family on my Instagram! So happy to have you here!

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